Family Life is good

everyone!  I’m back again!  I had a slow start to the day and
then went to the Acorn Centre to be on hand in case anyone needed
help.  I enjoyed the company although no one needed my help. 
I practised a few more skills for databases.  I then went for an
eye test as it has been two years since my last test.  My long
sight had not changed but I needed a stronger prescription for
reading.  My eyes were healthy in every way.  I shall go with
Malcolm to choose some new glasses, as he is a better judge of what
looks good. 
Beth popped in to return my shopping bag forgotten in her boot; always pleased to see her and Mahmood.
Cathy rang
to tell me the good news that she was half way to her weight loss goal,
as she has lost 18lb in seven weeks!  She has another 18lb to lose
and I have 9lb to lose.  We will see, who gets there first, though
it will be easier for her, as my friend PM reminded me how much harder
it is to lose weight after the menopause! 
Had a
delicious meal tonight prepared by my beloved’s skilled hands,
consisting of trout fillets stir fried in delicious spices with
peppers, tomatoes and mushrooms.  Malcolm managed a walk tonight,
which was good.  He has to be so careful not to overdo it or he
gets exhausted.  He is more cheerful now after he has designed a
lovely card to celebrate Cath’s partnership with Ken.  Life is
good.  Goodnight everyone.
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