An active day

Hello everyone!  I have had a busy day, but it has been rewarding.  This morning I did my weekly shop at Sainsbury’s, but I must have been more asleep than I thought, as I forgot to buy a lettuce, spinach and greens!!  That was soon remedied when I popped into town to a greengrocer’s and bought the spinach at Waitrose.  I could not find any foil cases to use for my apples and blackberries, which I want to make into crumbles and sponges, so I will have to make do with the odd ones I have left.
I had a lovely tuna pasta lunch prepared by my beloved with his usual skill.  Then I saw Miranda, who introduced me to the lady, who will be keeping an eye on me, when she is off for three months for an operation.  Lilian seems very nice.  They were both pleased to see the progress I am making.  I have more good days now than unhappy days; in fact I may have short periods of feeling not quite so buoyant but I generally feel more energised  and much more ready to smile and enjoy life.  It is always good to share my life with my beloved.  It is so good to be in love and share so much laughter together.  I shall complete some typing up some things from my hospital day.  Bye for now
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